* In this program the size of raw fish sticks is measured
* before they are coated with bread crumbs.* First, the fish sticks are segmented from the background.* Then, their dimensions are measured, compared to the* required minimum size, and the result is displayed.**设置不刷新
dev_update_off ()*关闭显示窗口
dev_close_window ()*读取图像
read_image (Image, 'food/fish_sticks_raw_01')*打开一个显示窗口,-1,-1表示用上一次的窗口的大小
dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')*设置画图为空心
dev_set_draw ('margin')*保存系统参数到一个临时变量,最后再把这个参数给还原过去
get_system ('store_empty_region', StoreEmptyRegion)*设置系统参数 store_empty_region
set_system ('store_empty_region', 'true')* 每像素的换算参数cm_per_pix := 0.0373*目标的长度
TargetLength := 9.0*上公差是多少
ToleranceHigh := 0.8*下公差是多少
ToleranceLow := 0.2* 设置图像张数为10NumImages := 10*进行for循环
for I := 1 to NumImages by 1 read_image (Image, 'food/fish_sticks_raw_' + I$'.2') * * Segment the raw fish sticks 选择比较白的地方 threshold (Image, Region, 50, 255) connection (Region, ConnectedRegions) fill_up (ConnectedRegions, RegionFillUp) select_shape (RegionFillUp, SelectedRegions, 'area', 'and', 1000, 99999) * * Select the regions that do not intersect the image border boundary (Image, RegionBorder, 'inner') intersection (SelectedRegions, RegionBorder, RegionIntersection) area_center (RegionIntersection, Area, Row1, Column1) ValidRegionIndices := find(Area,0) + 1 if (ValidRegionIndices[0] == 0) ValidRegionIndices := [] endif select_tuple_larger (Area, 0.0, RegionAtBorderIndices) RegionAtBorderIndices := RegionAtBorderIndices + 1 select_obj (SelectedRegions, ValidSticks, ValidRegionIndices) select_obj (SelectedRegions, StickAtBorder, RegionAtBorderIndices) * * Check the size of the fish sticks smallest_rectangle2 (ValidSticks, Row, Column, Phi, Length1, Length2) FishLength1 := Length1 * 2 * cm_per_pix select_tuple_larger (FishLength1, TargetLength - ToleranceLow, IndicesGood) select_tuple_larger (FishLength1, TargetLength + ToleranceHigh, IndicesBad1) tuple_remove (IndicesGood, IndicesBad1, IndicesGood) select_tuple_larger (-FishLength1, -(TargetLength - ToleranceLow), IndicesBad2) IndicesBad := [IndicesBad1,IndicesBad2] RowGood := subset(Row,IndicesGood) ColumnGood := subset(Column,IndicesGood) RowBad := subset(Row,IndicesBad) ColumnBad := subset(Column,IndicesBad) FishLength1Good := subset(FishLength1,IndicesGood) FishLength1Bad := subset(FishLength1,IndicesBad) if (|IndicesGood| > 0) gen_rectangle2 (GoodSticks, RowGood, ColumnGood, subset(Phi,IndicesGood), subset(Length1,IndicesGood), subset(Length2,IndicesGood)) else gen_empty_obj (GoodSticks) endif if (|IndicesBad| > 0) gen_rectangle2 (BadSticks, RowBad, ColumnBad, subset(Phi,IndicesBad), subset(Length1,IndicesBad), subset(Length2,IndicesBad)) else gen_empty_obj (BadSticks) endif * * Display the results dev_display (Image) dev_set_color ('white') dev_set_line_width (1) dev_display (ValidSticks) dev_set_line_width (3) dev_set_color ('yellow') dev_display (StickAtBorder) dev_set_color ('green') dev_display (GoodSticks) dev_set_color ('red') dev_display (BadSticks) String := 'Target length: ' + TargetLength$'.1f' + ' cm' String[1] := 'Tolerance: -' + ToleranceLow$'.1f' + '/+' + ToleranceHigh$'.1f' disp_message (WindowHandle, String, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true') for J := 0 to |IndicesGood| - 1 by 1 disp_message (WindowHandle, 'OK', 'image', 80, ColumnGood[J] - 10, 'green', 'false') disp_message (WindowHandle, FishLength1Good[J]$'.1f' + 'cm', 'image', RowGood[J], ColumnGood[J] - 28, 'white', 'false') endfor for J := 0 to |IndicesBad| - 1 by 1 disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Not OK', 'image', 80, ColumnBad[J] - 30, 'red', 'false') disp_message (WindowHandle, FishLength1Bad[J]$'.1f' + 'cm', 'image', RowBad[J], ColumnBad[J] - 28, 'white', 'false') endfor if (I != NumImages) disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true') stop () endifendforset_system ('store_empty_region', StoreEmptyRegion)